How do I collect activity data?

Sometimes a situation may arise where Posterino is not performing as you expect it should. In such a situation an activity report of what Posterino is currently doing can help us allot in analyzing the underlying problem.

To collect activity data of Posterino:

  1. Let's assume Posterino is already running.

  2. In the Finder select Go > Utilities to open a window showing utility applications.

  3. Locate the Activity Monitor application in the Utilities window:

    The Activity Monitor application.
    The Activity Monitor application.
  4. Open the Activity Monitor application:

    The Activity Monitor application.
    The Activity Monitor application.
  5. Enter "Posterino" into the Filter search field at the top right of the Activity Monitor window. The contents of the window is filtered to show just Posterino:

    The Activity Monitor application.
    The Activity Monitor application.
  6. Select Posterino from the table and click the Sample Process toolbar button:

    Sample process action.
    The Activity Monitor application.
  7. Activity Monitor analyzes Posterino and opens a new window showing the results of the analysis:

    The Activity Monitor application.
    The Activity Monitor application.

    You may like to collect several samples to get a better picture of what is going on.

  8. From the Display popup at the top left choose Sample Text (if this option is not already selected).

  9. Click the Save... button at the top right of the sample window and save the text to your Desktop.

  10. Open your e-mail application, create an e-mail to and attach the sample text you just saved to your Desktop.